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Dinand Library Procedures Guide: 8. Interlibrary Loan (ILL), Document Delivery/Hold Shelf, and Lending Library

Procedures for Student Workers and Evening/Weekend Supervisors

8. Interlibrary Loan (ILL), Document Delivery/Hold Shelf, and Lending Library

When patrons arrive to pick up requests, the item(s) will be in at least one of three places. Patrons often confuse the three. Please make sure to check all three locations for items ESPECIALLY at the start of the semester. 


Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) books that have arrived for pickup are on the shelf in the ILL Office and shelved in alphabetical order by last name of the patron. ILL articles are sent to the patron's email. 

When a patron arrives to pick up an ILL, they must sign and date the receipt. Sometimes student workers will pick up ILLs on behalf of professors or departments - they must still sign the ILL receipt. Place the receipt in the top drawer of the circulation desk. If a patron has multiple pickups, they can sign 1 receipt - just staple the stack of receipts together. You do not need to check out the item in FOLIO. Desensitize the book(s) before giving them to the patron. 

When ILLs are returned, you do not need to check in the item in FOLIO. Re-sensitize the book(s) and put them on the ILL counter in the back room. 

NOTE: Any book with an ILL book strap around the cover, or which has any kind of associated paperwork or label, or which has another library's barcode or stamp, should be put on the ILL shelf. If you are not sure if it is an ILL book, please put it on the ILL counter anyway and the ILL librarian will determine who owns it. 


Document Delivery/Hold Shelf

Patrons can request items in our collection to be held at the circulation desk for up to 30 days. These items need to be checked out to patrons in FOLIO and desensitized. Books on the hold shelf are organized by the date in which they were put on hold. 


Lending Library

Picking Up Lending Library Books:

Students who have filled out a form for items from the Lending Library can pick them up at Dinand. The bookshelf behind the Reference Desk houses the Lending Library books, organized alphabetically by student last name. These items need to be checked out to patrons in FOLIO, but do not need to be desensitized.

Lending Library Returns:

Students may return books from the Lending Library with or without barcodes attached. If the book has a barcode on it, follow the steps for Checking In a book. Place it on top of the Lending Library bookshelf.

If the book does not have a barcode on it, it needs to be cataloged. Place it on the bottom shelf of the Lending Library bookshelf.