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Dinand Library Procedures Guide: 3. Holy Cross Honors Students Circulation Policy

Procedures for Student Workers and Evening/Weekend Supervisors

3. Holy Cross Honors Students Circulation Policy

Book Limit: 150

Fines: $0.10 per day per item. (Fines will be waived by a supervisor when the items have been returned).

Reserve Fines: 1st hour $0.25, each additional hour $0.50. (Fines will be waived by a supervisor when items have been returned).

Loan Period: Academic Year (some exceptions apply - check FOLIO for the correct due date)

Lost Book Charge: $100.00 per book

Aged to Lost At: 12 months

Fine Threshold: $10.00 (Student will be blocked from further borrowing until the item is returned, except for Reserve items, which a supervisor will have to override)

Notices Sent: Courtesy Notice, Overdue Notice, Billed Notice