1. In FOLIO, click on the yellow Users app.
2. Use the dropdown to choose a search option (Keyword, Barcode, Last Name, Username).
3. Type the patron information and click on the correct patron.
a. NOTE: Many patrons share the same or similar last names. BE CAREFUL!! (Check the first name, middle initial, graduation year, etc.)
4. In the User panel on the right, click on the dropdown Loans, then click on (#) open loans.
The process is different for different types of loans...
For loans with the Loan Policy of End of Semester or Academic Year due date:
For loans with the Loan Policy of a specific day or hour due date:
5. In the pop up window, you can see all the items that the patron has checked out.
6. When finished, close out of the pop up window and reset the Users app.