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- Barron's Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms - includes more than 2,500 terms and definitions, emphasizing the “human side” of computing, explaining terms as well as defining them in clear non-technical language wherever possible. Many illustrations, diagrams, and tables. [Sci. Ref.] QA76.15 D667
- Collins Web-Linked Dictionary of Mathematics - designed for anyone who needs to understand the basic terms of mathematics. Includes more than 9,000 definitions and 400 illustrations, covers all major fields within mathematics, including real and complex analysis, abstract algebra, number theory, metamathematics, topology, vector calculus, differential equations, continuum mechanics, measure theory, graph theory, and logic. [Sci. Ref.] QA5 B67
- Computer Science Handbook - collection of theory and practice, with emphasis on applied computing and on a more practical/applied approach to IT topics such as information management, net-centric computing, and human computer interaction.[Sci. Ref.] QA76 C5755
- Computers The Life Story of a Technology - overview of the ever changing technology history, giving an understanding of the complete scope of its history from ancient times to the present day. [Sci. Ref.] QA76.17 S94
- Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics - reference guide to mathematics, with over 500 new entries, it provides clear definitions of a wide range of mathematical concepts. [Sci. Ref.] QA5 C53
- CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics - compendium of mathematical definitions, formulas, figures, tabulations and references written in an informal style.[Sci. Ref.] QA5 W45
- A Dictionary of Quotations in Mathematics - 3,000 fully credited quotations presented under designated subject headings, in 38 chapters; includesthe nature of mathematics and its relationship to language, philosophy, religion, and the arts. [Sci. Ref.] QA99 D53
- Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - information on statistical theory, methods, and applications. [Sci. Ref.] QA276.14 E5
- The Facts on File Dictionary of Mathematics - Encompasses every mathematical term and concept of interest, and contains approximately 320 new entries, dozens of new line illustrations, new pronunciation symbols, a list of websites, and a bibliography. [Sci. Ref.] QA5 F35
- Oxford Dictionary of Computing - covers computer applications in industry, the office, science, education, and the home. [Sci. Ref.] QA76.15 D526