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A Guide To...Mathematics & Computer Science: Internet Web Sites

Internet Web Sites

Links to Internet web sites and databases of professional associations, organizations (Tips on using Internet Sources):

  • AI Horizon: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Programming - This site is designed to help you learn the basics of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence programming. NOTE: This website was recommended by Ben MacDonald and the students of Mrs. Rynders' 9th Grade Computer Science class.
  • American Mathematical Society - The mission of the AMS is to "promote mathematical research and its uses, strengthen mathematical education, and foster awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and to everyday life." 
  • - Provides technology information for buyers, users, and sellers.
  • Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures -  A "dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions." Created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the US Commerce Department's Technology Administration. 
  • - find and apply for federal grants.
  • Historical Math Collections - A digital collection of math books published in the 19th or early 20th century. Produced by the University of Michigan Digital Library.
  • Historical Math Monographs - A select group of historical mathematical monographs provided by the Cornell University Library
  • IEEE Computer Society - The IEEE Computer Society is the world’s leading organization of computing professionals. The CS serves the information and career-development needs of today’s computing researchers and practitioners with technical journals, magazines, conferences, books, conference publications, and online courses
  • Mathematical Association of America - The "largest professional society that focuses on undergraduate mathematics education."
  • Mathematical Atlas - Provides concise explanations to select "mathematical topics at the undergraduate or graduate level." Produced by David Rusin, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Northern Illinois University
  • SIAM - The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics promotes "interactions between mathematics and other scientific and technological communities," such as computational science. 
  • - An online dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet technology.