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How To...Cite Your Sources

Chicago Citation Help (Notes-Bibliography Style)

*Notes-Bibliography is the version of Chicago style which is done using footnotes. 
If you are not sure which version of Chicago you should be using, consult with your professor. *

Book with a single author or editor 

Footnote: Susan Walker, ed., Ancient Faces: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt (New YOrk: Routledge, 2000), 10. 

Bibliography: Walker, Susan, ed. Ancient Faces: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt. New York: Routledge, 2000. 

Journal article from an online database

Footnote: Dominic Montserrat, "The Representation of Young Males in 'Fayum Portraits,'" The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 79 (1993): 220,

Bibliography: Montserrat, Dominic. "The Representation of Young Males in 'Fayum Portraits.'" The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 79 (1993): 215-25.

Newspaper article from an online database

Footnote: Alan Riding, "Under the Probing Gaze of the Egyptian Dead," New York Times, April 26,1997, ProQuest New York Times Historical.

Bibliography: Riding, Alan. "Under the Probing Gaze of the Egyptian Dead." New York Times, April 26, 1997. ProQuest New York Times Historical.

Page from a website

Footnote: Rachel Sabino, "Gilding the Dead: Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt," Art Institute Chicago, last modified October 23, 2019,

Bibliography: Sabino, Rachel. "Gilding the Dead: Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt." Art Institute Chicago. Last modified October 23, 2019.