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How to: Cite Your Sources

Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date)

As of September 2024, Chicago Manual of Style has updated to the 18th edition. 
Consult with your professor to confirm whether you should use the 17th or 18th edition. 

Author-Date is the version of Chicago style which is done using in-text citations. 

Book with a single author or editor 

In-text: (Hsu 2022, 10)

References: Hsu, Katherine Lu. 2022. The Violent Hero: Heracles in the Greek Imagination. Bloomsbury Academic. 

Journal article from an online database (w/ month or season given)

In-text: (Boyle and Lahey 2016, 66)

References: Boyle, Melissa A. and Joanna N. Lahey. 2016. “Spousal Labor Market Effects from Government Health Insurance: Evidence from a Veterans Affairs Expansion." Journal of Health Economics, 45 (January): 63-76. 

Journal article from an online database (w/ no month or season given)

In-text: (Candelora 2017, 46)

References: Candelora, Daniella. 2018. "Entangled in Orientalism: How the Hyksos Became a Race." Journal of Egyptian History 11(1-2): 45-72.  Historical Abstracts. 

Online newspaper/magazine article 

In-text: (Malik and Onguny 2022)

References: Malik, Aditi and Philip Onguny. 2022. "From Message to Violence: What to Watch for in the Media Ahead of Kenya's Elections." The Conversation, March 21.

Page from a website

In-text: (College of the Holy Cross n.d.)

References: College of the Holy Cross. n.d. "Prelaw Program." Accessed August 19, 2024.

Chicago Manual of Style will be updating in September 2024! Watch this space for updated guidelines. 

*Author-Date is the version of Chicago style which is done using in-text citations.
If you are not sure which version of Chicago you should be using, consult with your professor. *

Book with a single author or editor 

In-text: (Hsu 2022, 10)

References: Hsu, Katherine Lu. 2022. The Violent Hero: Heracles in the Greek Imagination. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 

Journal article from an online database (w/ month or season given)

In-text: (Boyle and Lahey 2016, 66)

References: Boyle, Melissa A. and Joanna N. Lahey. 2016. “Spousal Labor Market Effects from Government Health Insurance: Evidence from a Veterans Affairs Expansion." Journal of Health Economics, 45 (January): 63-76. 

Journal article from an online database (w/ no month or season given)

In-text: (Candelora 2017, 46)

References: Candelora, Daniella. 2018. "Entangled in Orientalism: How the Hyksos Became a Race." Journal of Egyptian History 11(1-2): 45-72.  Historical Abstracts. 

Online newspaper/magazine article 

In-text: (Malik and Onguny 2022)

References: Malik, Aditi and Philip Onguny. 2022. "From Message to Violence: What to Watch for in the Media Ahead of Kenya's Elections." The Conversation, March 21.

Page from a website

In-text: (College of the Holy Cross, n.d.)

References: College of the Holy Cross. n.d. "Prelaw Program." Accessed August 19, 2024.

As of September 2024, Chicago Manual of Style has updated to the 18th edition. 
Consult with your professor to confirm whether you should use the 17th or 18th edition. 

Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition:

Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition: