American Anthropological Association Style generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (Author-Date) for citations.
For more information, see the official style guide.
Book with a single author or editor
In-text: (Sullivan, 2011, 146–47)
References: Sullivan, S. Crawford. 2011. Living Faith: Everyday Religion and Mothers in Poverty. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Journal article from an online database
In-text: (Leshkowich, 2014, 143–45)
References: JLeshkowich, Ann Marie. "Standardized Forms of Vietnamese Selfhood: An Ethnographic Genealogy of Documentation." American Ethnologist 41(1): 143-162.
Online newspaper/magazine article
In-text: (Jarrín, 2021)
References: Jarrín, Alvaro. "What the Weeknd's Changing Face Says About Our Sick Celebrity Culture." The Conversation, February 3, 2021. Access World News.
Page from a website
In-text: (College of the Holy Cross, n.d.)
References: College of the Holy Cross. n.d. "Sociology and Anthropology." Accessed August 15, 2024