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Faculty Guide to Library & Archives Services

Please contact Eileen Cravedi, Head of Access and Discovery Services, with any issues or suggestions in the areas of circulation, reserves, interlibrary loan, and stacks

Access Services & Reserves

For assistance with...


Dinand Library: Contact, 508-793-2642, or stop by the circulation desk
Music or Science Library: Please contact the appropriate branch librarian or library assistant

To place items on physical reserve for your course, please bring the items to the circulation desk with your name, course number, and course name. If there is a required item which the libraries do not currently own, please contact your department librarian for purchasing options.  We generally place all Library owned copies of required text (based on bookstore list) on Reserves prior to the start of each semester.  Please keep in mind the Library does NOT own all required textbooks, and we weigh several variables before determining whether to purchase textbooks.

Reserve items are held behind the circulation desk in each library and can be checked out for 3 hours of in-library use.

Note:  When you bring your personal copies to be placed on reserve, please be aware that  a barcode and a sticker with your name on it will be placed on the items.

For assistance with...



To have reserve materials uploaded to any Canvas course page please contact  Please include a syllabus/specific instructions regarding how you would like your materials posted on Canvas (order of readings, folders, headings, bibliographic information).

For assistance with...


Contact, or stop by the ILL office on the first floor of Dinand Library (8:30-4:30, M-F)
Place a Request:
Log-in to ILLiad

For assistance with...


Please fill out our film request form

Due to licensing and copyright laws, the Libraries are able to digitize DVDs only under limited circumstances. We may be able to obtain a one-year license to your preferred film via platforms such as Kanopy or Swank, if the title is available, or it may be accessible through AVON, another streaming service.

We suggest using to find common platforms where the film is available for $4 or less; many faculty discover that their students are fine with this path. As a complement to the option, we are always willing to put a physical DVD on reserve for students to check out and watch in the library.

Dinand circulation desk has portable DVD players for checkout.  NOTE: The MRC is no longer housing DVDs or digitizing films; all DVDs are in Dinand, and digital formats are purchased and provided by the library. 

Buildings & Hours