Overview of Environment Related Data Sets
There are numerous data sets relating the environment available via the Internet at no cost. This guide is by no means a comprehensive collection of data sets, but merely a starting point to find resources.
Many of these are from the federal, state and local governments, or associations and organizations dedicated to a specific topic. Always consider the source when using data-- if it a special interest group, keep in the mind the data could be collected and presented in a way that best expresses the interests of that organization.Some tips for assessing a web site are located under the Tips for Using Internet Sources .
This libguide has several tabs with data sets listed under each tab. Some examples of the data sets included in this guide are the following:
MassDEP Air Monitoring Reports, Plans and Studies. Massachusetts Deparment of Environmental Protection - Annual plans for the MassDEP statewide air monitoring network and summaries of the air quality data it has collected.
Citing a Data Set
It is important to cite data sets for several reasons, primarily, to give credit to the collector and compiler of the information and to provide the origin of the data set so that the reader or user of your data can readily find the source information used for your presentation.Citing data sets can vary, depending upon the citation style used and the criteria required by a publisher or data source. Many of the specific style manuals and web sites don't clearly address data sets, although most provide information on citing web sites. The important thing to remember is to provide as much information as possible to clearly identify the source of your data.Some helpful information can be found at: