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How to: Export Citations to RefWorks

Exporting Citations from ACS Journals

The American Chemical Society Journals database uses its own research management system, ChemWorx, by default. To export ACS Journals into your RefWorks account, follow the following steps. 

1. Click on the title of the article to open it. Then, under Article Options, choose Download Citation

2. In the Download Citation dialog box, choose RIS under Format and Citation for the content below under the Include section. 

3. Open RefWorks, go to the References menu and choose Import

4. In the Import References dialog box, make sure that both the Import Filter/Data Source and Database fields are set to RIS Format. Then, click the Choose File button to browse to and select the file you have just downloaded (it may be on your Desktop, or in the Downloads folder). 

5. Choose a folder to import your reference(s) to if you would like. Then click Import

Note that RefWorks will absorb the complete title/citation information for each journal. So, for example, RefWorks will register Organic Process Research Development, not Org. Process Res. Dev. When you create your bibliography in ACS style, RefWorks will automatically apply the correct title abbreviation as specified by ACS. If you choose to create a bibliography in another style (for example, MLA), RefWorks will output the full title of the journal as appropriate for that citation style.