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HIST 101: Themes - China & America (Ren): Cite Your Sources (Chicago Style)

Fall 2024

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Chicago Style

Chicago Style Examples:

As of September 2024, Chicago Manual of Style has updated to the 18th edition. 
These examples are based on the newest (18th) edition. 

Book with a single author or editor 

First footnote: Amy D. Finstein, Modern Mobility Aloft: Elevated Highways, Architecture, and Urban Change in Pre-Interstate America (Temple University Press, 2020), 10. 

Second footnote:  Finstein, Modern Mobility Aloft, 10. 

Bibliography: Finstein, Amy D. Modern Mobility Aloft: Elevated Highways, Architecture, and Urban Change in Pre-Interstate America. Temple University Press, 2020.

Journal article from an online database

First footnote:  Chanelle Robinson, "'Papa Don't Preach': Imagining a Theology of Apology in Canada," Toronto Journal of Theology 35, no.1 (2019): 10,

Second footnote:  Robinson, "'Papa Don't Preach,'" 10. 

Bibliography: Robinson, Chanelle. "'Papa Don't Preach': Imagining a Theology of Apology in Canada." Toronto Journal of Theology 35, no.1 (2019): 9-24.

Online newspaper/magazine article 

First footnote: Edward T. O'Donnell, "When Irish Immigrants Were America's Most Feared Terrorist Group," Washington Post, March 17, 2019, ProQuest Central. 

Second footnote: O'Donnell, "Irish Immigrants." 

Bibliography: O'Donnell, Edward T. "When Irish Immigrants Were America's Most Feared Terrorist Group." Washington Post, March 17, 2019. ProQuest Central. 

Chicago Style Resources: