Most DVDs are located in the Media Room on the basement floor of Dinand Library (the opposite end of the Blue Room from the Levis Browsing Room). Some CDs and DVDs are located in the Music Library.
Videos, CDs, and Microfilms are located in the staff room area. They should be retrieved by a student worker or staff member.
Videos, DVDs, and CDs can be checked out for the entire semester. Microfilms can be used without being checked out.
Videos, DVDs, and CDs are shelved by call number. Microfilms are shelved by title.
Students can check out a DVD player from the circulation desk to watch DVDs, or watch them on the computer in the NEVINS room. We do not have access to a Blu-Ray player.
Students can watch Videos and use Microfilms on the computer in the NEVINS room.