Search for articles in the following database:
Citations for journal articles in the life sciences, particularly relating to biomedicine, neuroscience, as well as plant and animal sciences.
Use Scopus or Google Scholar to discover articles that cite and are cited by your original source. This is a great way to find more recent articles related to your topic.
Citations and abstracts for journals, books, and conference proceedings, primarily in the natural and social sciences.
Groups will work together to brainstorm keywords for their topic. For each topic, every member of the group must find one unique primary research article related to the topic. Help each other with keyword searching, and finding new keywords in article abstracts, keyword lists, and MeSH headings lists. After you have each found a unique article in PubMed, search for that article in Scopus. Write down how many newer articles cite each original article.
Things that each group will report back to the class: How your group narrowed your broad topic. Keywords you used to search in PubMed. Any difficulties your group had with finding original research articles, and how you overcame those difficulties. New keywords you learned from information in PubMed (the abstract, keyword list, or MeSH subject headings). In Scopus, how many "cited by" articles are associated with each of your unique research articles, and which group member found the article with the most "cited by" options.
Request materials that we do not own in the Holy Cross Libraries' collections. These materials will be lent from other libraries.
Note: Electronic articles or scanned book chapters usually take 1-2 business days or longer. Print materials need to be shipped through the postal mail, and generally take 5-10 business days or longer.
** Login to the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan System using your campus email account. If this is the first time you're using the system, you will need to set up an account. **
University of Illinois Undergraduate Library. "How to Read a Scholarly Article." YouTube, uploaded by University of Illinois Undergraduate Library, 6 Aug 2019,
Western University Libraries. "How to Read a Scholarly Article." YouTube, uploaded by Western University, 26 Apr 2012,
Much of a scientist's work involves reading research papers. Because scientific articles are different from other texts, like novels or newspaper stories, they should be read differently. Here are some tips to be able to read and understand them.
First get the "big picture" by reading the title, key words and abstract carefully; this will tell you the major findings and why they matter.
Read the article again, asking yourself questions such as:
If you are unfamiliar with key concepts, look for them in the literature.
[Thank you to the Clark College Libraries for the layout of this information.]