InterLibraryLoan (ILL)
Need a book or article for class? Can't find it at Holy Cross or on Google? Try InterLibraryLoan (ILL)!
What is ILL and how can it help me?
In short, ILL is a borrowing service that Holy Cross has with libraries all over Massachusetts and around the United States. This interlibrary service allows students to request books, articles, chapters in books, AV material, and much more at no cost!
How do I access/navigate ILL?
If it is your first time using ILL, you will need to set up an account using your HC username and password - the exact same one you use for STAR. You will be asked to select a Holy Cross Library Location where you will pick up and drop off your ILL requests.
Then, create a new request by clicking on one of the "Doc Delivery Request" or "ILL Request" links. Fill in as much information as you can on the request form - the more information the system has, the faster your request will arrive. To learn more about the status of a request you've already sent in, go to "View → Outstanding Requests" and click on the Transaction Number for your request.
Accessing ILL through CrossSearch
While using CrossSearch, you may find an excellent article, book, or book chapter to help with your research that Holy Cross does not have access to.
In this case, you can request it through ILL right through CrossSearch's site. Here's how:
Where do I pick up/access my ILL request?
If you have a citation, but can't find the book or article, you may be able to track down the full-text of the article directly, by using the E-Journals search.
Murnaghan, Sheila. |"The Trials of Telemachus: Who Was the 'Odyssey' Meant For?" | |
Author Title of Article |
Arethusa | 35, |no. 1 |(2002): |133-153. | |
Journal Vol. Issue Date Pages DOI or stable URL |
Instructions for using the E-Journals search to find articles