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HIST 243: British Society and Empire since 1901 (Conley): Citing Your Sources

Spring 2024

Citation Software

With RefWorks, you can import references from Holy Cross databases to create your own personal list of references and bibliographies for your papers.

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Citing in Chicago Style

Basics of Chicago Style: 
Below are some common examples to get you started using the Notes-Bibliography Chicago style. Most students at Holy Cross will be using this version of Chicago style. Note that Notes-Bibliography is the version of Chicago style which is done using footnotes. 

Need more help? Use the resources listed in the Chicago Citation Resources tab, or contact a librarian

Book with a single author

Footnote: Wally Carew, A Farewell to Glory: The Rise an Fall of an Epic Football Rivalry: Boston College vs. Holy Cross (Worcester, MA: Ambassador Books, 2003), 10. 

Bibliography: Carew, Wally. A Farewell to Glory: The Rise an Fall of an Epic Football Rivalry: Boston College vs. Holy Cross. Worcester, MA: Ambassador Books, 2003. 

Journal article from an online database

Footnote: James G. Hersberg, "The War in Afghanistan and the Iran-Contra Affair: Missing Links?" Cold War History 3, no. 3 (2003): 24.

Bibliography: Hershberg, James G. "The War in Afghanistan and the Iran-Contra Affair: Missing Links?" Cold War History 3, no. 3(2003): 23-48. doi:10.1080/14682740312331391608.

Newspaper article from an online database

Footnote: "The Titanic Disaster," The London Times, Apr 16, 1912, p. 9, London Times Digital Archive.

Bibliography: "The Titanic Disaster." The London Times, Apr 16, 1912. London Times Digital Archive.

Image from an online archive

Footnote: Timothy H. Sullivan, Group on J.J. Smith's Planation, Beaufort, S.C., 1862, photograph, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 

Bibliography: Sullivan, Timothy H. Group on J.J. Smith's Planation, Beaufort, S.C. 1862. Photograph. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Chicago Citation Resources:

citing legal & government docs (ex, Congressional Record)