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How to: Locate and Use Images

Explore this guide for advice related to educational sources and image use.


The use of images is governed by the same guidelines and laws as any other content, but special consideration needs to be given as each image is a discrete intellectual property. Think of each image as entire book: You can't reproduce the full text of a book without permission except in specific circumstances. 

Another important consideration is that images are frequently covered by specific usage licenses and therefore do not fall under standard copyright law. Licenses supersede copyright. This includes fine print on websites that you agree to simply by visiting them.  

When searching for images online, always locate the license terms that control the licenses. Look for a section labelled Terms of Use, Terms and Conditions, Rights Statements, or End User License Agreement (EULA).

In the absence of license terms, U.S. Copyright Law applies, with the right of Fair Use.  

Copyright and Fair Use

The issues of Copyright are complex and varied. See the following for definitions and guidelines around Copyright, Fair Use, and the Public Domain. Consult with a librarian on specific issues and questions.

Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons is an organization that has established a set of licenses creators can assign to their work to be transparent about how they will allow others to use and reuse their work.  Creative Commons licenses let people know the limits of what they can do before they need to ask for additional permission.  Creative Commons licenses lighten the burden creators and authors have for addressing permissions requests.