Books are the best way to get background information!
They are broader and longer than articles.
They can provide the basic facts, background and context/vocabulary to help you conduct more detailed research.
Book chapters can also be helpful if there is a chapter dedicated to a sub-topic that interests you.
Considered the authoritative dictionary of the English language.
A compilation of commentary essays on literary works, including drama, poetry, and short stories, from the 15th through 20th centuries
Biographies of and essays on influential literary figures.
Biographies of novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalist and scriptwriters, from the early 1900s to present.
Biographies of and other information about writers currently active in poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
CrossSearch is the Libraries' multi-search "discovery" tool. CrossSearch searches a cross-section of journal articles, newspapers, CDs, images, and many other types of resources available through the libraries. It is also our main library catalog -- the tool you use to find books, journals, films, and other items physically located in the library, as well electronic versions of those items.
To leave out individual articles and focus on things like books and films, you can use the Catalog Only limit in CrossSearch.
Watch our video tutorial to learn more about CrossSearch!
Not a CrossSearch fan? You can also use the Library Catalog.
Search Tips
Try searching for books using a very basic keyword search. Books tend to be on broad topics, so the terms you search with should be broad, too! Once you've found a few books that look interesting to you, you can use clues from the books to help you find other books. For example....
Finding Books in the Library
At Holy Cross, we organize our books using a system called Library of Congress Classification or LCC. LCC is based on the subject of the books. Each letter represents a specific subject. Each subject is broken down into more specific letter sections, each of which is further broken down into number ranges for specific topics. Most call numbers have additional numbers and letters on the end of them, which are used to give each book a unique spot on the library shelves.
In general:
Watch our Call Numbers video or visit our Call Numbers guide to learn more about how call numbers work.
Use the handout below to learn more about locating materials in Dinand Library.