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SPAN 499: Transatlantic Golden Age Literature (Carcelén-Estrada): Research Assistance

Workshops for This Course

We will offer drop-in workshops (think "office hours") for the assignments due throughout this semester. We will host a two-hour workshop in the Scalia Classroom in Dinand and a Virtual Zoom Session a few days before each assignment is due. Those will mostly fall on Sunday afternoons. You're welcome to drop in anytime during these slots, and a librarian will be available to work through any outstanding questions you might have. Here is the schedule for Spring 2023:

24/7 Virtual Reference Chat

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* The Libraries' chat reference service is available 24/7. When HC Librarians are not available, librarians from other American Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) or librarians will be available to answer your questions. More information about AJCU Virtual Reference

This service is available to Holy Cross students, faculty, and staff only.