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ENGL 401: Nineteenth-Century American Activist Rhetoric (Bizzell)

Recommended Databases

Historical Material in Library Databases

(organized by dates of coverage)

Historical Material from the Boston Public Library 

With a BPL eCard, you can search: 

*For more historical newspapers, sign up for a BPL eCard and you can search the America's Historical Newspapers database.

Article Databases

Searching for Articles

  • Spend some time brainstorming keywords and search terms. Use subject headings or descriptors to help generate search terms.
  • You’ll want to use keywords instead of phrases. See if you can express each part of your topic in one or two words. Think of words that are likely to be used as subject keywords or titles.
  • Use "quotes to indicate phrases." Use  AND, OR,to build a more complicated search. 
  • If  your keywords aren’t working, think of synonyms or other ways of phrasing your topic and try those. Also remember alternate spellings. Or, try a less-specific search, with fewer or broader keywords. 
  • When you find a good article, look at its References or Works Cited list. That will often lead you to other useful sources.

Not all materials in the research databases are scholarly. In some databases, you can narrow your results to include only those articles published in scholarly journals. This will eliminate most (but not all!) non-scholarly documents from your search results. Remember that some articles published in scholarly journals, such as book reviews or editorials, are not scholarly themselves.To review what makes an article scholarly or non-scholarly, check out the Is it Scholarly? box on the Getting Started page of this guide. 

Databases that can limit to scholarly journal articles include the blue-and-green EBSCO databases (Academic Search Premier, MLA Bibliography, etc.) and all ProQuest databases (and some others):