Use the resources in the boxes below to search for Books, Articles and Journals on your topic.
But first, read the next few tabs for some important Search Strategies.
As researchers in Classics, we might use...
The Library Catalog [or CrossSearch]
Subject (Article) Databases
In order to choose an appropriate research tool, you should consider your research needs.
What do you need at this point in time? Are you still becoming familiar with your topic, or are you trying to fill specific gaps?
What lens are you using -- that of an archeologist? A historian? A scholar of ancient literature?
Where do practitioners in that area share their knowledge and research?
Need help selecting a research tool? Consult your professor, or a librarian!
Any research process begins by figuring out how to search. But, where to begin?
Spend a few minutes thinking about what words could be used to describe the topic. Be as specific as you can.
For each of the words you listed, think of other words or phrases you could use that mean the same thing.
Use AND and OR to make your search more or less specific! This will give you more sources to choose from.
If you aren't finding much, try...
Good researchers don't read books or articles in a vacuum! They use the sources or information they have already found, as clues to where they should look next. References (that is, citations -- in the text, in footnotes, and/or in a bibliography) are a source for research leads.
As you read an article or a chapter, you will usually see that the author has worked citations into their writing. This may be in the form of an in-text citation (the same kind you will use for this course!)...
(Frahm 2017, 194)
A tablet from Assurbanipal’s library, SBTU 2, no. 46, was found in a library in Uruk whose owner was active during the time of Alexander the Great, and there are hints that scholars in Uruk used text editions strongly influenced by Assyrian traditions (Beaulieu 2010).
...a footnote, where numbers in the text correspond to citations below...
(Frahm 2004, 47)
Other commentaries seem to have been imported from Babylonia, as can be inferred from the so-called "Library records", which mention satu and mukallimtu commentaries from cities in the south.19 Commentaries written in Babylonian script were actually found on Kuyunjik,20 and some of them may be identical with those mentioned in the "Library records".
19 S. Parpola, "Assyrian Library Records," JNES 42 (1983), 1-29; a new edition is provided in SAA 7, Nos. 49-56.
...or an endnote, where numbers in the text correspond to citations at the very end of the article, chapter or book.
Regardless of the format, these citations are your roadmap to finding out which sources the experts have read on this topic -- and therefore, which sources you may also want to read!
First, find the full citation.
Second, identify -- what kind of source is it?
Finally, locate the source.
No piece of research stands alone; each is part of a broader scholarly conversation in that topic/ field. These resources have clues that you can TRACE, if you know how to look!
Terms– Check the abstract, subject terms and article for concepts and terms that you can use for your future searches.
Reported in– Is the journal where the article was printed relevant? Try searching for other articles from this journal.
Author– What else has the author(s) published on this topic? Search the databases for their other publications
Consulted by - Check Google Scholar to see which articles or books have cited your sources, and to find
more-recent research which builds on your original information.
Evidence -Check the references list (or bibliography) to see what previous research this resource is drawing on. From here, you may wish to consider:
- Previous articles or books published on your topic
- Other authors who have published on your topic
- Journals where your topic is frequently discussed
Tools for TRACE-ing:
Citations and abstracts for journals, books, and conference proceedings, primarily in the natural and social sciences.
Continually-updated dictionary of the history, archaeology and culture of the classical world.
A collection of important reference works in the visual arts, including The Concise Dictionary of Oxford Art Terms, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Oxford Companion to Western Art.
Journal Articles
Articles tend to be good sources for detailed information on a very specific topic, or thoughtful analysis of issues or a particular text or artifact. Because they are usually published more quickly than books, they may have more current information than books on the same topic (check the publication date!).
Articles tend to be most helpful once you've engaged with a book or two, or at least have a solid grounding in the basics of the topic.
Research Databases are tools designed to help you search the scholarly (and other) articles and resources available to you through the Holy Cross Libraries. Article databases are like very long bibliographies of articles that might interest you -- some that are available physically at Holy Cross, some available online, and some that we have to borrow from other libraries.
We have access to over 300 databases! Here are the ones you might find most helpful for this project:
Journal articles in almost every subject area, including some historical articles back to the 17th century.
An additional option - ask me for help!
Citations for journal articles, books, and chapters about ancient Greek and Roman literature and civilization.