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ECON 236: Economics of Climate Change (Vedogbeton) Spring 2025: Citing your sources

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"Keep Calm" by Simon Fraser University is licensed under CC BY 2.0


Ref Works

Ref Works

Ref Works is a citation manager that is completely free to use to Holy Cross Community members. It is an excellent way to store, organize, and eventually create citations for your sources. Ref Works allows you to create accurate citations in any citation style you might need, and it also acts as a file folder for all your project sources. 

Follow the "Create Account" link on the login home screen to create your account and get organized!

American Psychological Association Style (APA)

Book with a single author or editor

In-text: (Bukatko, 2008, p. 10). 

References: Bukatko, D. (2008). Child and adolescent development. Houghton Mifflin.

Journal article from an online database

In-text: (Quinn & Chadoir, 2009, p. 640)

References: Quinn, D.M. & Chaudoir, S.R. (2009). Living with a concealable stigmatized identity: The impact of anticipated stigma, centrality, salience, and cultural stigma on psychological distress and health. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97: 634-51. DOI:10.1037/a0015815

Online newspaper/magazine article 

In-text: (Bitran, 2017).

References: Bitran, D.B. (2017, August 16).  Why tourists go to sites associated with death and suffering. The Conversation. 

Page from a website

In-text: (Educational Equity Lab, n.d.)

References: Educational Equity Lab (n.d). Students & collaborators. College of the Holy Cross, Educational Equity Lab. Retrieved August 9, 2024 from 

Citing Data Sets in APA Style

APA has guidelines on how to cite data sets.  See this example from their online website.  For more detailed information, please use the APA (7th edition) Publication Manual, page 338.

This is the general style for citing a data set:

Author, A. A. (Date). Title of data set (Version x.x) [Data set]. Publisher name. https://doiorg/xxxxx

Some further examples:

Data Set with a single author

In-text: (O'Donahue, 2017)

References: "O'Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 36966; Version V1) [Data set]. ICPSR." 

Data Set with a group as author

In-text: (National Center for Education Statistics, 2016)

References: National Center for Education Statistics. (2016). Fast Response Survey System (FRSS); Teachers' use of educational technology in U.S. public schools, 2009 (ICPSR 35531; Version V3) [Data set and code book]. National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture.

Data Set with multiple authors/no doi available

In-text: (Paris et al., 2015)

References: Paris, T., Kim, J., & Davis, C. (2015). EEG responses to two contexts of AV speech presentation [Data set]. Western Sydney University. Retrieved June 2, 2024, from