You can use a research log to track your progress while conducting research. View some templates below and use what works for you.
Keywords are terms we use when searching for information. Searching in a library database is a little different from how you might be used to searching in a search engine like Google. In a search engine, you can type in entire phrases or questions and the algorithm will be able to parse through that to return the results you want. In a database or library search, you need to be more precise. By choosing your keywords strategically, you can maximize your search to make sure you're getting the information you want.
The charts below give an example of how to develop a list of keywords and have an option for you to fill one out yourself. Keep in mind that you don't need to fill out every piece of this chart - it is meant to get you thinking about your topic and how to look for relevant sources.
Databases will use terms called subject terms to label or "tag" the main topics in an article or publication. Subject terms are part of a vocabulary unique to the database or publisher and are used to put everything related to one topic under a consistent label to make it easier to find with a search. Knowing the relevant subject terms for your topic can help streamline your search by essentially helping you speak the database's language.
When you search in a database, look for the subject terms listed in the results. They will be listed in the details of an article. In many databases, you can also filter by subject. Look at the subject terms that come up and see which ones are relevant to your topic. In your next search, try using one of those terms.
Library databases support advanced search strategies that help you combine search terms and be specific about what you're looking for. In most databases, you will see a link for "Advanced Search" from the home page. Databases often have a help page or description of how to use advanced searching. The strategies listed below can help you search in any library database and you can always contact a librarian for help with searching.
You can use the words AND, OR, and NOT to combine your search terms for precise searching. These are called Boolean operators and each one has a different purpose.
The Venn diagrams below demonstrate how these work in your searches. The purple shaded area represents what the search results will include.