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MONT 153S-F01: Self Discovery (Lipsitz)

Fall 2023

Library Catalog

Search for Books

Use the Library Catalog to find print books, print journals, and ebooks in the library's collection. Access the Library Catalog search through the library home page ( Above the search bar, select "Library Catalog." To use more advanced searching options, click on the "My Library Account" link below the search bar to go directly to the catalog, where you can search by keyword, title, subject, or call number. 

Books in the catalog are labeled with subject headings. These are used to put everything related to one topic under a consistent label to make it easier to find with a search. Knowing the relevant subject terms for your topic can help streamline your search by essentially helping you speak the database's language.

Suggested subject terms:

  • Positive psychology
  • Happiness
  • Happiness social aspects

Find Books in Dinand Library

Books on the shelves are organized by call number. A call number is an address for a book that tells you where the book is located on the shelf. Call numbers identify different subject areas, so books with similar call numbers will cover similar subjects. This way, when you find a book on the shelf, you know the books around it are on similar topics.

Materials related to Psychology are assigned call numbers that start with the letters BF. 

When you look up a book in CrossSearch or the Library Catalog, you will see the call number listed with the book details.

library catalog screenshot with call number

You can download a map of the Dinand Library stacks and watch a video showing how to check out library books below.

Psychology in the Science Library

At Holy Cross, some books on Psychology are located in the O'Callahan Science Library. Resources related to the field of Neuropsychology are assigned call numbers that start with QP and are shelved in the Science Library. 

WorldCat and Interlibrary Loan


WorldCat (or World Catalog) is the world's largest library catalog. You can use WorldCat to search for books in the Holy Cross Libraries and beyond. If you find a book in WorldCat that we do not have at Holy Cross, you will see an option to request the book through Interlibrary Loan (see the included screenshot). Submit your Interlibrary Loan request and Holy Cross will borrow the book from another library on your behalf. You will be notified when the book is available and can pick it up and return it in Dinand Library. This service is at no cost to you and is a great way to get access to materials we do not have in the Libraries. Access WorldCat from the link below or from our A-Z Databases List to connect to the Holy Cross catalog.

Access Options on WorldCat with Request item through Interlibrary Loan link