Large portions of this guide have been gratefully copied and adapted from "Library OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service)," created for the use of Trinity Western University in British Columbia, Canada.
CrossSearch (also known as EBSCO Discovery Service) is a one-stop search tool that enables users to simultaneously search most of the informational resources available through the library, including:
CrossSearch is best accessed through the library home page (
More traditional search tools are still available through the "Classic Catalog" (for books & media) link in the main search box.
Using CrossSearch
By default, CrossSearch retrieves items in the Holy Cross Libraries' collections that match your search terms. To expand your results, uncheck "Catalog & Full Text Only" on the results screen. If you discover an item we do not have access to, you may need to place an interlibrary loan request.
More Resources
Not everything owned by the Holy Cross Libraries is included in CrossSearch. You may wish to search individual research databases using our Research Databases list.
The following databases are NOT included in CrossSearch, and should be accessed from the link below or a research guide.
Citations and abstracts from anthropology journals.
Date(s): 1740-1940
Historic magazine and journal articles, including professional, childrens' and womens' magazines.
Date(s): 1872-1993
Articles from the Boston Globe including all pictures and advertisements.
Date(s): 1800s
Citations for 19th-century books, periodicals, newspapers, and archival sources. Searching Guide
Journal articles, magazines, viewpoint essays, audiovisual and other credible sources relating to business, diplomatic, societal, environmental and other globally-applicable issues, browsable by topic.
Citations for journal articles, book reviews, and literary works about Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Hispanics/Latinx in the United States.
Date(s): 1800s-1900s
Spanish-language and bilingual (Spanish-English) U.S. newspapers.
Citations for journal articles, essays, books, and other sources about the Medieval period in Europe, North Africa, and the Near East (300-1500 AD). **Limited to 2 users at one time. Please click "Logout" and close the website when you are done.
Date(s): 1859-2022
Articles from the Irish Times and Weekly Irish Times, including all pictures and advertisements.
Articles from the New York Times, including all pictures and advertisements.
Date(s): 1803-1906.
Citations for articles published in British and American magazines. Part of the C19 database.
National and international news sources, including major titles like the Boston Globe, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, and LA Times.
Citations and abstracts for journal articles in religion and theology.
Guide to chemical references, substances, and reactions. You must create an account to use this database.
The following databases are partially included in CrossSearch. To search the full content of these databases, access them from the link below or a research guide.
Journal articles, working papers, and reports for business research. Click on "Browse" at the top of the page to focus on featured content such as commodity, company, and country reports.
Citations for academic and professional journal articles, magazines, and other publications on music-related topics.
Citations and abstracts for journal articles and book reviews in linguistics and the study of language.
Journal articles, magazines, and news in almost every subject area.