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Mont 154S: History of Accounting (Teitel)

Modern Language Association (MLA) Style

Book with a single author or editor

In-text: (Schoenberger  p.10). 

Works Cited: Schoenberger, Melissa. Cultivating Peace: The Virgilian Georgic in English, 1650-1750. Bucknell University Press: 2019. 

Journal article from an online database

In-text:  (Amatangelo p.250). 

Works Cited: Montserrat, Amatangelo, Susan. "Coming to Her Senses: The Journey of the Mother in La Lunga Vita di Marianna Ucria." Italica, vol. 79, no. 2, 2002, pp. 240-256. JSTOR, 

Online newspaper/magazine article

In-text: (Malia)

Works Cited: Malia, Scott. "Bradley Cooper, Cillian Murphy and the Myths of Method Acting." The Caledonian-Record, March 5, 2024. Access World News,h

Page from a website

In-text: ("Glosario")

Works Cited:  "Glosario." Cineglos, Accessed August 18, 2024.