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SOCL 219: Deviance, Normalcy & Control (Francis): ASA Citation Style

In Class Review of ASA

American Sociological Association Style

Book with a single author or editor

In-text: (Beard 2016:10). 

References: Beard, Renee L. 2016. Living with Alzheimer's: Managing Memory Loss, Identity and Illness. New York: New York University Press. 

Journal article from an online database

In-text: (Dixon 2020:25)

References: Dixon, Jeffrey C. 2020. "Understanding Perceived Worker Insecurity in Europe, 2002-2016: Economic Freedom and Neoliberalism as Alternative Theories?" Sociological Perspectives 63(1): 5-28.

Online newspaper/magazine article 

In-text: (Ihmoud 2021)

References: Ihmoud, Sarah. 2021. "Sheikh Jarrah: The Question Before Us."  Jadaliyya, May 16. Retrieved August 15, 2024 ( 

Page from a website

In-text: (College of the Holy Cross n.d.)

References: College of the Holy Cross. n.d. "Sociology and Anthropology." Retrieved August 15, 2024 (