Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay
Here are some general tips to guide you in choosing your search terms:
- Use keywords or brief (2-word) phrases instead of sentences -- one or two for each part of your topic.
- Use nouns and verbs as your keywords. Avoid most adjectives and adverbs. Think of words that are likely to be used in titles (or that you have seen in titles).
- If your keywords aren't turning up many results, you may need to:
Recommended Databases
Journal articles, and citations for books, conference proceedings, and other resources, in the field of sociology.
Journal articles, book chapters and magazines about the history of the United States and Canada, 1450-present.
Journal articles in almost every subject area, including some historical articles back to the 17th century.
Data & Statistics Databases
Statistics relating to social, political and economic conditions in the United States.
Statistical data in a wide range of subject areas, with tools for searching, analyzing and visualizing.