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A Guide To... English

This guide is a starting point for research in English literature. The guide includes recommended databases and reference sources, as well as tips for effective research.

Identifying & Evaluating Sources

During your time at Holy Cross, you may find yourself using a combination of both popular and scholarly sources. 

popular resource is a resource for 'popular' consumption -- it has been written so that most people can easily read and understand it. This might include newspapers or magazines, some books, and some journals written for people in specific jobs. While there is usually an editor who checks these sources for good writing and for errors, this is mostly done by a single person rather than a group. Popular articles are usually written by journalists or professional writers, although sometimes they are written by experts on a specific topic. 

Examples: Magazine articles, blogs, news articles

Scholarly sources are written by experts on a particular subject (for example, a professor or other researcher). They also go through an extra process of review and approval by a group of other experts before they can be published. Usually, scholarly sources are written in 'academic-ese', meaning they are full of technical jargon, and designed to be read by other scholars. You will probably find yourself using many scholarly sources in your other Holy Cross classes. However, because scholarly sources take a long time to be approved and published, they are not good sources for current news.  You will usually find academic articles published in professional journals, which are often behind paywalls and hard to access freely outside of university settings.

Examples: Academic Journal Articles, Books or Book Chapters published by Academic Publishing houses

No matter what you're researching or what kinds of information you're working with, you should always interrogate your sources. Situate your source within the context of the timeline, the audience, the content, etc. Think of it like doing a background check! 

How to Spot Fake News Infographic. CONSIDER THE SOURCE Click away from the story to investigate the site, its mission and its contact info. READ BEYOND Headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks. What’s the whole story? CHECK THE AUTHOR Do a quick search on the author. Are they credible? Are they real? SUPPORTING SOURCES? Click on those links. Determine if the info given actually supports the story. CHECK THE DATE Reposting old news stories doesn’t mean they’re relevant to current events. IS IT A JOKE? If it is too outlandish, it might be satire. Research the site and author to be sure. CHECK YOUR BIASES Consider if your own beliefs could affect your judgement. ASK THE EXPERTS Ask a librarian, or consult a fact-checking site.

Photo of a worksheet titled "source checklist". Text on the image reads "Author Who is the author? How is the author qualified? Is the author an expert? Does the author have bias? (Remember that a bias may not be directly stated.) Be wary if you cannot determine an author or group responsible for the content you are reading! Host or Publisher Who hosts the site? OR Who publishes this resource?  What is their purpose and audience?  Does the host/publisher have bias?  (Remember that a bias may not be directly stated.)  What is the domain extension?  The publisher and/or domain can help you determine how reputable a website is. For example, .gov is the domain for United States government sites and .edu is for US Educational institutions. Note that not all .com sites are unreliable and not all .org sites are reputable -- .org simply means that the website is for a non-profit group. Source Does the resource provide its sources? Does it refer/link you to other credible sources? Is the information able to be cross-referenced? Currency  Is the site regularly updated?    When was it published?   Is there any information which seems out-of-date?

Academic Journal Articles

Academic Journals are professional publications containing articles about a certain field of study written by experts. Articles published in these journals are typically peer reviewed, meaning they are read, edited, and eventually approved by other experts in the field. These articles are an example of a scholarly resource, since they are written and reviewed by experts and published in respected academic journals. 

Books and E-Books

Books and Ebooks by experts in any given field of study are considered excellent scholarly resources. Books focused entirely on a certain academic subject are often referred to as Scholarly Monographs. The library has a large collection of physical books for you to use for your thesis, as well as access to a great deal of E-books. You can search the Library Catalog directly by going to the library homepage and toggling the search bar over to "library catalog." This will show you results for what the library physically holds or has digital access to. 

Library of Congress Call numbers for English 

P- Philology, Linguistics

PA - Greek/Latin Language and Literature

PJ - Oriental Languages and Literatures

PK - Indo-Iranian Languages and Literatures

PL - Languages and Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, and Oceania

PN- Literature (General) 

PQ - French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Literature

PR - English Literature

PS - American Literature

PT- German, dutch Flemish, Afrikaans, Scandinavian, Old Norse, Old Icelandic, Old Norwegian, Modern Icelandic, Forese, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish Literatures


Academic Dissertations and Theses

Academic Dissertations and Theses is just what it sounds! People who wrote doctoral or master's qualifying academic works sometimes publish them, and many are findable through Cross Search. While these are considered scholarly resources, dissertations and theses should be carefully evaluated. They are not technically peer-reviewed in any way and therefore should be fact checked and verified before you consider using one in your own research. If you would like to search for this resource in particular, you can limit search results to Dissertations/Theses in our library catalog search filters.