Seating: Large tables, cubicles, arm chairs, computer tables |
Amenities: Whiteboards (moveable); close to restrooms |
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Like the upper level, you've probably wandered through this lower section of the stacks if you needed to find a book between H and Z. But there are also plenty of study spaces scattered throughout this level, including the familiar selection of large tables, comfy armchairs, and cubicles for individual study. You'll also find some moveable whiteboards wandering around this floor. The basement stacks open into the Blue Room (and the basement-level restrooms) from the center area.. There are two different Zones in this level: the wings (open spaces around the stairs) are designated as YELLOW ZONES, and the inner area (beginning with the row of cubicles under the stairs) is designated as a RED ZONE.
Seating: Large table |
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While most study spaces in the stacks are located along the walls, you will also find this larger table in the middle of the lower stacks (center stacks, closest to the west or fishbowl/window side). The table can be used for group or individual study. Just remember -- this is still a RED ZONE!
Seating: Large tables, cubicles, armchairs, floor (steps) |
Amenities: Fans (S1 and S2); close to restroom and lockers |
These study rooms are located on the basement level of the stacks. Rooms S1 and S2 are located along the wall on the east (non-window) side, near the Z call number section. Rooms S10, S11, S12 and S13 are located in the center stacks, near the PA call number section. Rooms S1 and S2 have mounted fans. Note that while the rooms themselves are GREEN ZONES, the area immediately outside is designated as a RED ZONE--please shut the door to minimize noise in the stacks!