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ECOA 226: Operations Research (O'Connor): Home


Academic Search Premier Multi-disciplinary database. There are a significant number of information systems journals available in this database, including Mathematical Programming, OR Spectrum

Academic OneFile Multi-disciplinary database. Includes INFORMS Journal on Computing, Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Organization Science, Marketing Science, and Interfaces

ABI/INFORM Complete  Contains over 3,000 full-text journals, 25,000 Dissertations, 14,000 SSRN working papers, key newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times, country-and industry-focused reports and data. Provides coverage of companies and business trends around the world. Includes over 130 titles related to supply chain management. If you are interested in specific companies, industries, and markets, you can click on the link for Data & Reports at the top of page  to target your research.

General BusinessFile ASAP Indexes over 1335 business and finance periodicals, as well as trade journals, brokerage reports and company directory listings.

ProQuest Central A great multidisciplinary database. To limit your search to the social sciences, go to Advanced Search and then select "Social Sciences" from the link on the right under the heading "Search subject areas"

LexisNexis: Accounting A sub-set of the LexisNexis database, focusing specifically on accounting. Includes publications such as Accounting Today, Accounting Technology, and Journal of Accountancy

LexisNexis: US Tax Law A sub-set of the LexisNexis database, focusing specifically on tax law.

MathSciNet Includes coverage of operations research


Google Scholar is a great tool for doing a broad search of scholarly literature on your topic:

  • Google Scholar searches across many disciplines. 
  • Your search results will include a broad range of sources, including journal articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, academic books, pre-prints, and abstracts. 
  • Results come from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. 
  • Google Scholar also includes court opinions and patents.

You'll just want to keep some things in mind:

  • Coverage is not comprehensive. Many sourcess are hidden in publishers' databases and journals that Google can't search, so you'll want to look at other databases as well. 
  • Search results can include links to things like course syllabi and high school term papers, so you'll want to evaluate what you find. 

You can access advanced search features by clicking the arrow in the right of the search box. These features allow you to refine your search.

Look for the words Get Full Txt @ Holy Cross next to an article. You should be able to access any of these articles through the library's subscriptions. If you come across a source that Holy Cross does not have access to, remember that you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan.

Scholar Settings When you are on the Holy Cross campus, Google Scholar will automatically show you those Get Full Txt @ Holy Cross links next to articles that Holy Cross has access to. If you are off-campus, you can set your Scholar Settings to show the links for accessing sources through Holy Cross. You can modify your settings by selecting the Settings link in the upper-right corner of Google Scholar webpage.

Click on the Cited by and Related articles links at the bottom of a search result to find more relevant articles and books.