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RELS 304: Land & Creation (Leonard-Fleckman): Part 1: Exegesis

Spring 2025

Locating Translations & Commentaries

For this part of your project, you'll mostly want to look in the BS sections of the library, located on the Mezzanine level of the Dinand Stacks. BS is the section for study of the Bible. 

Books at Dinand Library are arranged by Library of Congress Call Number. Call Numbers are used to find books in the library. Each book is assigned a call number made  up of letters and numbers, which acts like an address and tells you what shelves to look on.

  • Reference Books are in the Main Reading Room. These books must stay in the library.
  • Books whose numbers begin with letters A through G are on the Mezzanine level (1 floor down from the Main Reading Room).
  • Books whose numbers begin with letters H through Z are mostly on the Ground (bottom) level.
  • Books whose numbers begin with are located in the Visual Arts Wing (main level, near the fireplace in the old Periodicals room). 
  • Books whose numbers begin with are in the Music Library in Brooks Hall.
  • Books whose numbers begin with Q, R, S or are in the Science Library in Swords Hall.

You can also watch our video tutorial  to learn more about how call numbers work. Or, check out the Library of Congress Classification Outline for a detailed breakdown of our call number system. 

The handout below includes a detailed stacks map, and more information about places to look for this specific project: 

Bible Translations

Because the text of the Bible has been passed down through many different manuscripts (none of which, of course, were in English!), there is no one version of the Bible, in English or in any other language. Instead, there are many different versions, which differ variously depending on...

  • Source: Which original manuscript(s) was/were used. If you're interested in understanding more about how this happens, you can visit our library guide on critical editions. The New Catholic Encyclopedia also has a detailed article about the different manuscripts of which many modern Bible versions are composed. 
  • Editorial Choices: How the compiler(s)/editor(s) chose to interpret and translate the manuscripts they used (again, see the guide on critical editions).
  • Canon: Which parts of the Bible the compiler(s)/editor(s) considered valid. The so-called deuterocanonical or apocryphal books, for example, are not accepted as canonical by many Protestant denominations and do not typically appear in such translations as the King James Version. The New Catholic Encyclopedia has a useful (if Catholic-focused!) overview of the different canons.  
  • Denomination/Authority: Related to the above, who (i.e., which denomination/church body/ruler/etc.) worked on and signed off on this version. In Catholic publications this kind of approval is often called the imprimatur (Latin for "let it be printed") and/or nihil obstat ("nothing hinders it" -- i.e., there are no objections). 
  • Purpose/Audience: Examples of this might include study Bibles (which may include additional marginalia, contextual information, etc.); red-letter Bibles (in which words spoken by Jesus Christ appear in red); and 'Youth' Bibles (which typically use less-formal or even colloquial language to make the text more accessible to younger readers). 

If at all possible, when you pick up a new version of the Bible, try to examine the introduction, preface, and/or any other explanatory information in the front of the Bible which will give you context for how that particular version was put together. 

The Bible translations below have been recommended specifically for your use. All of these Bibles are either located in the Main Reading Room reference collection (for in-library use only); on reserve (may be checked-out from the Dinand Circulation Desk for in-library use, 3 hours at a time); or available online, as indicated in the descriptions. 

Bible Commentaries

Every commentary series is different! You should be looking at multiple commentaries for this project.  Here are some things you might consider when selecting the series (plural) you'd like to work with: 

  • Version -- Which Bible version/translation is used? Note that not all commentaries cover the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament (Tobit, Sirach, Maccabees, etc.). Be aware that different translations of the Bible, even similar ones, may use different English words to convey the original sense of the text, which may in turn affect the language used in the commentary. 
  • Approach -- Does the commentary focus on the linguistics? Theology? Historical context? A combination of the above? etc. 
  • Language -- Some commentaries are easier to use if you have some knowledge of biblical and/or classical languages. 

  • Depth, detail, coverage -- Commentaries which devote an entire volume to a given book or portion of a book will provide different kinds of information than commentaries which cover the entire Bible in a handful of volumes. Additionally, consider what you'd like to know, and what kind of commentary would be most appropriate for that. To zero in on a couple of specific verses, a detailed line-by-line commentary will be most helpful. But to get a sense of the chapter or book as a whole, a broader commentary could also provide useful perspective. 

Remember -- you can miss a lot by narrowly focusing on only one commentary. The more commentaries you compare, the more complete picture you will get of the book and passage you are working with, the different interpretations, and the issues and themes involved. 

These commentaries and commentary series are not the only ones owned by Dinand Library, but are the ones we recommend most often: