When you don't have a particular title of a book in mind, begin by searching for a key term about your research topic. Then look at the tags to the right of your search results or the tags at the bottom of the page. These tags will help you refine or revise your search.
Once you've found some books on your topic, look at the subject headings for those books. You can follow the subject heading links in the catalog to find similar books, or you can use the terms in the subject headings to revise your search strategies.
Examples of Subject Headings:
Children--Social conditions.
Stay-at-home mothers--United States.
Work & family.
Children of divorced parents--United States--Longitudinal studies.
Mothers--United States--Social conditions.
Single mothers--United States--Social conditions.
Dual-career families--United States.
Fatherhood--Social aspects--United States.
Books at Dinand are arranged by Library of Congress Call Number.
Video: How to Read Call Numbers
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