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GERM 250: Metropolis Berlin (Schmitz-Burgard): The Basics

The city of Berlin represents a microcosm of change and growth in European society yet maintains a unique identity. Its development from a royal city to the capital of a united Germany is examined through literature, film, art, and architecture.

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Catalog Search Tips

If you know a particular author or title, you can search the specific terms.  Otherwise, searching for books is often best done by either Keywords or Subject Headings. Start with a Keyword search and identify some relevant books. Then look at the subject headings given to those titles. You can follow the subject heading links in the catalog to find similar books, or you can use the terms in the subject headings to revise your search strategies.

Database Search Tips

Spend some time brainstorming keywords and search terms. Use subject headings or descriptors to help generate search terms.

When you find a good article, look at its References or Works Cited list. That will often lead you to other useful sources.

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Finding Books and Documents


Reference Print Resources

  1.  Architecture sourcebook : a guide to resources on the practice of architecture / edited by Kathryn M. Wayne.
  2. A dictionary of architecture
  3. Encyclopedia of world architecture  
  4. Schirmer encyclopedia of film / Barry Keith Grant, editor in chief
  5. The Oxford companion to German literature / by Henry and Mary Garland - Ref PT41 .G37 1997    
  6. Encyclopedia of German literature / Matthias Konzett, editor -  Ref PT91 +E53 2000  v. 1 & 2
  7. German film & literature : adaptations and transformations / edited by Eric Rentschler.
  8. A companion to twentieth-century German literature / Raymond Furness and Malcolm Humble - Ref PT401 .F87 1991


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Three Steps to Finding the Full Text Article...

  1. Check the Holy Cross Libraries' Catalog to find the journal in print or in electronic format by searching in the TITLE field for the name of the JOURNAL (not the article name): HC Catalog
  2. If the catalog does not produce positive results, check the Electronic Journals A-Z List  by searching for the Journal name (not the article name) in the "Find" box.
  3. If the Electronic Journals A-Z list does not produce positive results, order the article through InterLibrary Loan.


Eileen Cravedi