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RELS 126: Hebrew Bible / Old Testament (Leonard-Fleckman): Citation Resources

Spring 2025

Special Types of Sources

For citing religious texts such as the Bible or documents issued by the Catholic Church: 

Citation Resources

Citing in Society for Biblical Literature (SBL) Style:


Book with a single editor 

Footnote: Martin J. Buss, ed., Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979), 5. 

Bibliography: Buss, Martin J., ed. Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979. 

Commentary with an author, editor and a translator 

Footnote: Hans Conzelmann. 1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians, ed. George W. Macrae, trans. James W. Leitch (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975), 10. 

Bibliography: Conzelmann, Hans. 1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Anchor Bible Commentary. Edited by George W. MacRae. Translated by James W. Leitch, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975.

E-Book with a single editor 

Footnote: Daniel Durken, ed. New Collegevill Bible Commentary: Old Testament (Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2015), 

Bibliography: Durken, Daniel, ed. New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2015.

E-Book chapter with a chapter author and general editor 
Footnote: Irene Nowell, "The Book of Tobit," in New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament, ed. Daniel Durken (Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2015), 582. 
Bibliography: Nowell, Irene. "The Book of Tobit." Pages 581-595 in New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Edited by Daniel Durken. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2015. 

Journal article from an online database

Footnote: James W. Barker, "Ancient Compositional Practices and the Gospels: A Reassessment," Journal of Biblical Literature 135.1 (2016), permalink goes here.

Bibliography: Barker, James W. "Ancient Compositional Practices and the Gospels: A Reassessment." Journal of Biblical Literature, 135.1 (2016): 109-121. permalink goes here.

SBL Style Resources:

Citing in Chicago (Notes-Bibliography) Style: 
Note that Notes-Bibliography is the version of Chicago style which is done using footnotes. 
**The Chicago Manual of Style was updated to the 18th edition in September 2024**


Book with a single editor

Footnote: Martin J. Buss, ed., Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible (Fortress Press, 1979), 10. 

Bibliography: Buss, Martin J., ed. Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible. Fortress Press, 1979. 

Book with an author, editor and a translator

Footnote: Hans Conzelmann, 1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians, ed. George W. MacRae, trans. James W. Leitch (Fortress Press, 1975), 15. 

Bibliography: Conzelmann, Hans. 1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Edited by George W. MacRae. Translated by James W. Leitch. Fortress Press, 1975. 

E-Book with a single editor 

Footnote: Daniel Durken, ed., New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament (Liturgical Press, 2015), 5,

Bibliography: Durken, Daniel, edNew Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Liturgical Press, 2015.

E-Book chapter with a chapter author and general editor 

Footnote: Irene Nowell, "The Book of Tobit," in New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament, ed. Daniel Durken (Liturgical Press, 2015), 581, 

Bibliography: Nowell, Irene. "The Book of Tobit." In New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament, edited by Daniel Durken. Liturgical Press, 2015. 

Journal article from an online database

Footnote: James W. Barker, "Ancient Compositional Practices and the Gospels; A Reassessment." Journal of Biblical Literature 135, no. 1 (2016): 115, Academic Search Premier.

Bibliography: Barker, James W. "Ancient Compositional Practices and the Gospels: A Reassessment." Journal of Biblical Literature 135, no. 1 (2016): 109-121. Academic Search Premier.

Chicago Style Resources:

Citing in MLA Style:

Book with a single editor 

Buss, Martin J., editor. Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible. Fortress, 1979. 

Book with an author, editor and a translator 

Conzelmann, Hans. 1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Translated by James W. Leitch, edited by George W. MacRae. Fortress, 1975. 

E-Book with a single editor 

Durken, Daniel, editor. New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Liturgical, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central.

E-Book chapter with a chapter author and general editor 

Nowell, Irene. "The Book of Tobit." New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament, edited by Daniel Durken, Liturgical, 2015, pp. 580-595. ProQuest Ebook Central. 

Journal article from an online database

Barker, James W. "Ancient Compositional Practices and the Gospels: A Reassessment." Journal of Biblical Literature, vol.135, no. 1, 2016, 109-121. Academic Search Premier, permalink goes here.

MLA Style Resources:

Citing in APA Style:

Book with a single editor 

Buss, M.J., ed. (1979). Encounter with the text: Form and history in the Hebrew Bible. Fortress Press. 

Book with an author, editor and a translator 

Conzelmann, H. (1975). 1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (J.W. Leith, trans. & G.W. MacRae, ed.). Fortress Press. 

E-Book with a single editor 

Durken, D., ed. (2015). New Collegeville Bible commentary: Old Testament. Liturgical Press. 

E-Book chapter with a chapter author and general editor 

Nowell, I. (2015). The Book of Tobit. In D. Durken (Ed.), New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament (pp.580-595). Liturgical Press. 

Journal article from an online database

Barker, J.W. (2016). Ancient compositional practices and the Gospels: A reassessment." Journal of Biblical Literature 135 (1): 109-121.

APA Style Resources: