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Database Guides: C19: The Nineteenth Century Index

Locating Sources from C19

C19 is more of an index than a full-text database (that is, the PDF of most articles it will find is not immediately available).  

For some articles, you will see a link to locate the full-text in another, related database, American Periodicals Series: 

For other articles and different types of sources, however, C19 might only provide you with the citation information. But don't despair -- there are multiple ways to get access to these materials! This page suggests some steps that you can take to find full-text access to materials in C19. 

If you come across an interesting article in the C19 and Holy Cross doesn't  have the full text, you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.

Finding Articles

If you have the citation for an article, you can track it down directly through

All the information that you will need is in this citation.







No luck? Move on to Step 2, Finding Articles in the Library. 

If you can't find the journal in eJournals, check CrossSearch or the Classic Catalog -- especially with older periodicals, we may have a physical copy in the library. 

Many of the journals indexed in C19 are found in Dinand Library. Most will be in the Stacks Mezzanine (fishbowl side), in the A call number section. See the list to the left.  Be sure to check the date of the article you are looking for against the years/volumes owned by the library. 
Once you've found the periodical in the stacks, you'll use the article citation to find the correct volume and page number.

If we don't have the journal -- or the specific issue of a journal -- that you need, go to Step 3, Interlibrary Loan

InterLibrary Loan or ILL is a service that allows you to request resources -- including journal articles-- owned by other libraries all over the US, and in some cases, around the world! Once you've placed a request, another library will send a scan of the article to Holy Cross, and it will be delivered directly to your e-mail. 

Keep in mind: Depending on how long it takes a library to accept the request and scan the article, it can take up to 1 week or more (though usually less) to arrive. Make sure to plan ahead!

You might come across citations for articles through our research databases. Or, you might see them cited in another resource. In the databases, use the Check for Full Text button to start the request process; otherwise, visit the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan page on our website to log-in and get started. 


To request an article from a database: 

  • Click 
  • On the next screen, choose 
    Then, log-in with your Holy Cross Google username and password. 

OR, if that doesn't work: 

  • Choose ILLiad Interlibrary Loan on the left navigation menu on the Libraries' home page.
    Click the link for ILLiad Interlibrary Loan to log in with your Holy Cross Google username and password. 
    From the left navigation, menu, choose New Request > Article


Once you are in ILLiad:  

  1. You will see a form labeled Article Request. If you used a database, it will already have filled in some of the information for you. Fill in any important information that might be missing, and check to make sure the information is accurate.

    In particular, you should check for the article title, page numbers, journal title, journal volume (and issue if applicable), and the publication date. The more accurate this information is, the more quickly librarians will be able to find the right article. 
  2. When you are finished, hit Submit Request.  You will see a confirmation that your request has been sent and is waiting for processing.  Once your article has arrived, you will receive an e-mail with a PDF of the article. 
  3. To check on the status of your request at any time,  you can choose ILLiad Interlibrary Loan on the left navigation menu on the Libraries' home page, then click the link for ILLiad Interlibrary Loan to log in.