Note that all Boolean operators must use capital letters.
- AND to search for multiple terms i.e.evidence AND admissibility will produce documents that contain both terms.
- OR to search for either one of a pair of similar terms, i.e. brief OR evidence will produce documents that contain either of these terms
- NOT to exclude a term from a search, i.e. evidence NOT briefs will exclude every search result containing the word "briefs"
- " " use quotes to search for a phrase, i.e. "love canal" will search for documents containing the exact phrase "love canal"
- ( ) to search grouped clauses to form sub queries, i.e. (watershed OR "water rights") AND planning will produce documents that contain either watershed or water rights and planning
- ~ to search for words within a particular proximity of each other, i.e. "watershed planning"~10 will search for watershed within 10 words of planning
- ? to search for words where there may be variations of the word that you want included in your search, i.e. te?t will product documents that contain text or test
- * to search for a word with multiple character differences, i.e. brief* will return searches with the words brief, briefs, and briefed