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ENGL 110: Intro to Academic Writing (Renshaw)

How to Search for Books

Need a Library Book?

Search for book titles, themes, genres, and more in our library catalog! If you are looking for a specific book or books by a certain author, you can simply type them into the search bar on the homepage. Make sure it is toggled over to "Library Catalog" to search for materials within our libraries, as pictured below.

Searching for books by theme or subject

Not sure yet what you're looking for? You can search the library catalog by subject just like you would in CrossSearch! Using one or two keywords or key terms, you can customize your search of the collection. You can go even further by using the search filters on the right hand side of the screen to see more specific options. Filter by publication year, genre, library location, resource type, and more!

How to Locate books in the stacks

When you find a book you'd like to check out on the catalog, you then need to write down the call number and go look for it in the library stacks. Books in HC libraries are organized by Library of Congress Call Numbers. The letters and numbers correspond to subjects, so the books shelved next to each other are in the same subject area. This makes it very easy to browse the collection by subject - consult this list of LOC call numbers and their subjects to find what you're looking for, and go search the stacks!

Library Book Video Tutorials

Learn More about Call Numbers

Finding and Checking Out Library Books