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MONT 152Q: Foundation and Crisis (Armenti)

Fall 2023

Interlibrary Loan

Did you find an article, book chapter, or book that you want to read, but Holy Cross doesn't have access to it? Use Interlibrary Loan to request any materials not owned by Holy Cross and the Library will try to get what you need.

If you find an article in a Library database, use the purple "Check For Full Text" button to start an Interlibrary Loan request. You can also log in to your Interlibrary Loan account (linked below) to enter a request for the item you need. That account is also where you can view the status of your request, request renewals, and download your electronic materials. Articles and book chapters are typically delivered electronically. Print books will be delivered to the campus library of your choice. You will get an email when your item is ready.

Plan ahead: Interlibrary Loan can take time to process. Journal articles are usually available in less than a week, and print books may take longer if they are shipping from far away.