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SOCL 281: Sociology of Travel & Tourism (Germann Molz)


  • Spend some time brainstorming keywords and search terms. Use subject headings or descriptors to help generate search terms.
  • You’ll want to use keywords instead of phrases. See if you can express each part of your topic in one or two words. Think of words that are likely to be used as subject keywords or titles.
  • Use "quotes to indicate phrases." Use  AND, OR,to build a more complicated search. 
  • If  your keywords aren’t working, think of synonyms or other ways of phrasing your topic and try those. Also remember alternate spellings. Or, try a less-specific search, with fewer or broader keywords. 
  • When you find a good article, look at its References or Works Cited list. That will often lead you to other useful sources.

Recommended Databases



Economics & Politics

Environment / Ecology
