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A Guide To...Study Spaces in the Libraries

Virtual Study Spaces on Zoom

Tips for Virtual Study Groups

In addition to the list on this page, you can find other great suggestions at...

Infographic of Virtual Study Group Tips

Agree on a time that works for everyone. Don't wait until the last minute, in case of unforeseen technical issues.
Remember to consider time zones! Convert times at
Make sure that everyone is clear on meeting days and times. Exchange contact information in case of Zoom or internet issues (especially during the winter months!)
Schedules are tight and Zoom fatigue is real, so plan to use your meeting time efficiently. Try to set an agenda or have a clear end-goal.
Consider appointing a host or moderator to keep the group on-task and manage features like letting people in and out, screenshare, etc.
Take advantage of collaborative tools like Google Docs and the Zoom Whiteboard (under screen sharing).
Avoid the temptation to be distracted by social media, phone, e-mails, other work etc.
Build in time for breaks and socializing.
Aim to end on time. People might have other commitments (and feel less able to leave than they would in-person).
Agree on and document a list of next-steps before leaving.
Consider scheduling your next meeting while everyone is still on the call.

Does your Zoom study group need library help? 

Research librarians are on-call to help you...


Working with Zoom


You can access Zoom via the College's
custom landing page at;
via the Zoom mobile or desktop
app; or through the Google waffle
in your HC Gmail account. 


Once you've logged in, use the top menu
(in your internet browser) or the
main menu (in the app) to 
Schedule a future meeting, 
Join a meeting set up by someone else, or 
Host a meeting for someone else right now.


When setting a meeting, be sure to think about  questions like: 

  • Whether you want to set a recurring meeting; 
  • Whether you'd like to require a passcode or Waiting Room (recommended, to avoid Zoom-bombing);  
  • What default video settings you would like; 
  • Or, under Advanced Options, whether you'd like to do things like limit to Holy Cross users, automatically record your meeting, and/or designate alternate hosts. 

Once you've scheduled a meeting,
grant Zoom access to your Google Calendar
to generate an event invitation. From there,
you can copy the invitation information to send
to your study group, or invite them to your
Google Calendar event. 

This invitation includes all of the information
that anyone would need to access your meeting
by direct link, meeting ID number, or
by dialing in from their phone.
(this is especially useful in
case of technical problems!) 

Trouble using Zoom?

Contact the ITS Help Desk!  Help Desk staff are working remotely and can be reached Monday - Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
Please contact the help desk using the information below.



You can also visit Zoom's FAQ and support center:

Holy Cross Zoom Backgrounds

Recreate the experience of studying in Dinand with these virtual backgrounds: 

Free downloads from the Alumni Office.

 **NEW Fall Backgrounds**

Hogan in the Fall

Gates in the Fall

Memorial Plaza in the Fall

O'Kane Clock Tower and Library Steps in the Fall

Over the Hoval in the Fall

Alumni Hall in the Fall

Fenwick in the Fall

**More Zoom Backgrounds!

Cool Beans

Dinand - Inside

Dinand - Outside