The EDGAR database on provides free public access to company financial information. Just visit the website, scroll down, and enter your company's name in the search box:
This will take you to a page of results listed in order by date of filing. You can use the filters on top to restrict by filing type, or perform a full-text search.
NexisUni provides company dashboards with neatly organized financial information for over 80 million companies. For the most part, these dashboards will be available for for-profit companies. When you first access NexisUni, you'll see a search box at the top of the screen, and some additional options under "Discover topics" about halfway down the page. When you click the first panel ("Business"), you'll be taken to a page with a few different options. Click on Company Dossier:
This will take you to a new page, titled "Find a Company." Enter the name of your company in the "Company name" box. When you click Search, you will be taken to a list of close-match companies. When you select the one you're interested in, you will be taken to a snapshot page for your company. Along the left-hand side of the page, you will see tabs for all the different options available to you.
From this page, you can view financial overviews, SEC filings, and company reports. You can also view recent news related to this company and generate a report (using the "Generate Report" button at the top of the screen) for export containing whatever information is useful to you.