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A Guide To...Anti-Racism


This guide has been developed in an effort to offer support and resources to our community, as a starting point for ongoing discussions, self-reflection and education, and acts for change. We feel it is important to disclose that many of the creators of this guide are themselves allies acting from positions of racial privilege. We have endeavored to create a collection of materials, both in the Libraries and elsewhere, which will be as supportive, relevant and comprehensive as possible, but we recognize the limitations of our perspectives and privileges.


We also acknowledge that this work could not have been accomplished without the support of the Office of Diversity, Office of Multicultural Education, and the Chaplains' Office, as well as the intellectual and emotional labor of countless people of color who have taken the time to write down their experiences, develop guiding materials and curate and share hundreds of resources on social media and elsewhere which have formed the foundation for this guide. Our goal is not to take credit for their work, but to make their work more visible to members of our community. 



We welcome and greatly appreciate any feedback, including criticisms, and recommendations, particularly from the perspectives and experiences of the marginalized groups listed and not listed here. This is a work-in-progress, and we will continue to develop and expand this resource.